Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. A relationship with someone who has NPD can be draining, because people with this disorder are constantly seeking attention and validation. They may be excessively critical of their partner and be unable to take any criticism themselves. Gaslighting and manipulation are also common tactics used by people with NPD to control their partners.
What Are The Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
There are many symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, but some of the most common include:
A sense of self-importance or entitlement,
Often jealous of others but believing that others are jealous of them,
Needing constant admiration or positive reinforcement from others,
Exaggerating one's achievements or talents,
Preoccupation with success or power,
Believing that one is special or unique,
Taking advantage of others,
Lacking empathy for others,
Being excessively concerned with one's own appearance,
Being arrogant or haughty,
How Does A Lover With A Narcissistic Personality Disorder Behave?
A lover with a narcissistic personality disorder may behave in a number of ways. They may be possessive and jealous, constantly needing attention and affirmation. They may be manipulative and controlling, using others to get what they want. They may be charming and persuasive, but also selfish and self-centered. Ultimately, they may be difficult to be around and may cause problems in relationships.
Their Relationships With Their Partners Are Manipulative
Their human relationships are exploitative and manipulative. Learning to understand the needs of others and give them what they want during their childhood, these individuals understand the other's needs in the relationship and use it to exploit the other.
These people understand women very well and after seeing the needs of women for a while and making them dependent on them, they treat them like objects and begin to exploit them.
Their Sexual Lives Tend To Be Problematic
These people have sexual problems in bilateral relations. Sexual performance anxiety in sexual relations is quite high. During sexual intercourse, they experience many sexual problems such as premature ejaculation, erection problems, erection problems, and late ejaculation.
They Cannot Bear To Feel İnferior To Their Partner
People who are in a relationship with a narcissistic lover and believe that they can build a life with him/her must take into account that there will be blockages and chaos in their relationships.
For the narcissistic lover, there is no relationship without humiliation. Narcissistic people can't stand a lover or spouse who is more successful than them.
Their Behavior Towards The Partner İs Unstable
The narcissistic individual never wants someone stronger and more valuable than himself around them. A feature that attracts him/her to the opposite sex is reflected in the relationship as humiliating and inhibiting his partner after a while.
He may feel uncomfortable after a while when his partner, who attractive to him because she is very successful and smart, makes more money than he does.
On the other hand, narcissistic women who fall in love with their partner because of his docile side and balanced temperament may accuse him of being insignificant and weak after a while.
Diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder And Getting Help
Having a relationship with a partner with narcissistic personality disorder can be very tiring and exhausting for someone.
Some individuals with a narcissistic personality disorder do not think that this condition arises due to a psychological disorder and therefore generally refuse to meet with a psychologist or psychiatrist. Untreated narcissistic personality disorder can cause serious problems in people's social life, family life, and business life.