Pain is a distressing feeling that limits one's activities and activities in daily life. Usually, it warns you that something is wrong with your body. 

Pain can be mild, local, mild, or severe. Pain can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). Acute pain has a protective function for humans; Pain teaches us to avoid bodily harm or potentially harmful situations and protects the injured body part during recovery.

Pain is a common condition and sometimes negatively affects our daily routine. Untreated or improperly treated pain can become chronic. In such a case, you should consult your doctor. In this article, we will try to give you information about the types of pain that may happen to you.

  1. Neck Pain

Stiffness or clubbing in your neck causes pain that radiates to the shoulders, upper back, or arms.

  • Neck pain may be associated with compression of the neck nerves; this tightness causes numbness, weakness, or tingling sensations in your hands and arms.
  • Neck pain may also be accompanied by muscle tension and spasms, as well as headaches.
  • Neck pain can become a real pain, preventing you from performing even the simplest movements such as turning your head or carrying shopping bags without feeling any pain.
  1.  How Can We Relieve Neck Pain?

  • Neck pain treatment options will be shaped according to the duration and severity of the pain in the neck. Treatment that starts with medication can go to physical therapy when the pain reaches an advanced level. A neck collar can be used as a support for drugs.
  • A neck pain pillow can be preferred to sleep more comfortably at night.
  • When the physical therapy method is applied, exercises that relieve pain and relax the neck area are performed together with the health personnel who are experts in their fields.
  • In order to alleviate and relieve neck pain, muscle relaxants and pain relievers may be recommended by the doctor.
  1. Shoulder Pain

Shoulders are prone to injury, strain, and strain, and painful stiffness called frozen shoulder. These pains, which occur in most of the society, create a great discomfort especially for the working group.

  • Shoulder pain is a type of pain that occurs in the upper arm region and also affects the scapula. This pain can be encountered in both the right and left shoulder.
  • Shoulder pain is usually associated with impact. However, there are many factors that can cause pain in this area.
  • Lifting heavy loads, exercises that will force the shoulder, sitting on a squat, and lying on one side of the body also cause pain in the right and left shoulders.
  • Lung diseases, heart attacks, fractures in the collarbone, joint disorders, damage to the spine, and shoulder dislocation also cause pain.
  1.  How Can We Relieve Shoulder Pain?

  • Some of the shoulder pains that do not experience severe trauma can be relieved with painkillers.
  • First, the person should take a break from heavy lifting until the pain subsides.
  • Hot or cold compresses can be applied to the area where the shoulder pain will occur. In order to relieve the pain, protective corsets can also be used with the recommendation of the physician.
  • If there are no bone disorders such as fractures and dislocations in chronic shoulder pain, drug treatment is usually applied. Muscle relaxants and creams are supported for right and left shoulder pain.
  1. Leg Pain And Rheumatism

Pain that occurs from the lower back of the human body to the tip of the foot is defined as leg pain. Pain in this part can occur due to bones, tissue damage, and many different reasons.

  • Many physical factors, especially rheumatism, can cause leg pain.
  • Stiffness in the veins is among the other common causes of leg pain. Atherosclerosis, especially in advanced age groups, occurs with reasons such as smoking, diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol.
  • Another cause of severe or mild pain in the legs is the compression of the nerve vessels in the area. Crushing the veins can also trigger leg pain.
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep due to abnormal sensations in the legs and feet, especially during rest, and the need to move due to these sensations may be a sign of restless legs syndrome.
  1.  What Can We Do About It?

  • In order to determine the disorders that cause leg pain, it is necessary to go to a specialist doctor first.
  • As soon as you feel the pain, wrap a few ice cubes or an ice pack in a towel. Apply for 15 minutes by massaging the area where the pain is felt on your leg. Do not apply the ice directly to your leg.
  • Apply a mixture of olive oil, coconut oil, and mustard oil to the painful area. When you massage your legs for 10 minutes, you will see that the oils accelerate blood circulation and relax your legs.
  • If you are someone who stays up all day, you should choose the right shoes.
  • If you feel pain before going to sleep at night, you can choose a cream for leg pain for a comfortable sleep. In order to take healthy steps, it is recommended to use the cream under the supervision of a doctor.
  • If you say what is good for leg pain, what can I do with exercise, you can take a look at the videos of simple movements that physical therapists recommend for everyone.
  • When you sit in a chair at home, if you slowly open your legs up and down, you can accelerate blood circulation and relieve pain.