Rhinoplasty are operations that are also called nose job. The general purpose of these operations is to eliminate the physical problems and functional problems in the nose. These surgeries, in which many problems such as not breathing, sleep apnea, nasal concha, deformity of the nasal wings, curvature of the nose are corrected,
Today it is made using advanced technology. For this reason, rhinoplasty operations are performed much more easily and the recovery period of these operations is much shorter than in the past. There are many questions about rhinoplasty. Let us give you detailed information about the questions that are generally asked.
How many days is the hospital stay after nose surgery?
You can be discharged after 4-5 hours of follow-up on the day of your surgery. You will be given a prescription for painkillers and antibiotics.
Things to consider in the first 24 hours after rhinoplasty:
- When you come out of surgery, you will have a plastic splint over your nose. This splint is important for shaping and protecting the nose. Do not touch the splint on the nose.
- The pad under the nose can be changed as needed and can be removed completely if there is no bleeding.
- While sleeping or resting, you should lie flat and keep your head upright with at least two pillows higher than your torso.
- You may experience fatigue and fatigue due to the anesthetic drugs you have taken during the surgery. This will subside in a few days and you will feel better. Sometimes there may be insomnia.
How long does it take to recover from a nose job?
When 7-11 days have passed since the operation, the patient should come to the clinic for the first control. For this control, the patient's silicone splints and sutures, if any, are removed. Plaster is not used on the nose in current techniques. Instead, a protective plastic is used. This plastic is taken between 7-11 days and after it is removed, a thin tape is applied on the patient's nose. The main function of this tape is to contribute to the reduction of swelling. After the second week after the operation, the tapes attached to the back of the nose are easily removed by the patient at home. After these bands are removed, the nose will now be left open. 15 days after the operation, the patient can participate in all kinds of social activities without any reservations.
How to sleep after nose surgery?
You should sleep with your head elevated. Absolute bed rest is not necessary, you can get up and walk around, but you should avoid strenuous physical activity.
What can you eat after nose surgery?
You can eat and drink anything you want, not just in big bites, but in small pieces.
How to take Bath And Shower after rhinoplasty?
You can wash your hair without wetting the dressing in the nose, as in the hairdresser, and wash the body down in the shower.
Can I brush my teeth after rhinoplasty?
Brushing teeth and using mouthwash are free. Be careful not to be alone in the bathroom and the door is locked. Blood pressure can go up and down in the first 48 hours after surgery.
When does the bruise go away in nose surgery?
Healing of bruises after the operation varies considerably from patient to patient. Generally speaking, on the 7th day after the operation, it is observed that the bruises are reduced by half. At the end of the 2nd and 3rd weeks after the operation, it is expected that the bruises will completely disappear.
When Does the Full Shape Set After Nose Surgery?
If the nose is thin-skinned; Within a period of 2-3 months, 95 percent of the nose quickly settles into place. However, if you have a thick-skinned nose, this process may take up to 1 year.
What is the right age to get a nose job?
There is an age limit for rhinoplasty surgery. The reason for this is to ensure that physiological growth is not interrupted. Therefore, surgery is not recommended before the age of 18. Since the nose will continue to grow and develop in operations performed before the age of 18, the resulting design may deteriorate.
When Can I wear Glasses after Rhinoplasty?
It is not recommended to use glasses within 1 month after rhinoplasty. It may even take a little longer. The share of weight given by the glasses means that there is deformity in the nose area. It also causes breathing problems.
Can I wear a mask over my nose after rhinoplasty?
The basic principle in choosing a mask after rhinoplasty should be not to apply pressure to the nose. Based on this principle, mask selection should be made. When using a surgical mask after rhinoplasty, we should pay attention to the fact that it is wired. We should give the wire the appropriate shape before putting it on our face, so that we do not put pressure on the tip of the nose. Apart from that, any kind of mask that does not put pressure on the tip of the nose can be preferred during the healing process.