Early diagnosis is very important in Bowel cancer. What are the symptoms of Bowel Cancer?
The colon is a tube-shaped organ that forms about 1.5-2 meters of the intestine. The colon and rectum make up the entire large intestine. The rectum is a short space that forms the last part of the intestine and is where stool is stored. Digested nutrients from the small intestine come to the colon and the remaining food is digested there. The part to be excreted comes to the rectum and waits here to be excreted. Colon cancer, on the other hand, starts in the cells in the colon and sometimes turns into polyps.
In early diagnosis, it is a treatable condition if it is detected without spreading, but in cases where it is not diagnosed early, it is a disease that spreads to the colon wall first. After the intracolonial spread is completed, the spread to different organs and tissues, called metastasis, may occur. Colon cancer can progress to vital organs such as lungs and liver, especially through lymph nodes and vessels.

What are the early symptoms of Bowel Cancer?

In colon cancer, there is often a differentiation in defecation habits. Because it gives symptoms, it is more likely to be noticed than many types of cancer. Although the symptoms are related to defecation, since the colon is a long organ, the retention on the left side of the body and on the right side may give different symptoms. The column becomes narrower in the left part as a structure. This means that the stool is thinner, bleeding while defecating, changes in the pattern, etc. can create situations. Since the right side is relatively wider, symptoms appear later and early diagnosis becomes more difficult. But in general, the common symptoms are:
  • Feeling that the bowel is not fully emptied, even after defecation
  • Disruption of defecation (diarrhea, constipation)
  • Bleeding or blood in the stool
  • Pain while defecating
  • A clear secretion in the stool
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
These symptoms are seen at an early time and are easy to notice by the patient. After these symptoms, indirect symptoms such as weight loss, decrease in blood values ​​and anemia, formation of a mass in the abdomen, and increased pain sensation as intestinal obstruction may occur in advanced cases are also observed. For early diagnosis, the patient should be aware of the defecation pattern and follow his own normal.

What Tests Are Used for Early Diagnosis of Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is diagnosed by experienced Gastroenterologists. Colon cancer is a type of cancer included in screening programs. The most effective way to prevent cancer or to detect the disease at an early stage is regular endoscopic examinations. Colonoscopy is one of them. Colonoscopy is a procedure that can both detect an existing tumor at an early stage and prevent cancer development by detecting polyps and similar problems that may lead to cancer before they become cancerous. It is recommended that every individual over the age of 50 should undergo a colonoscopic examination at intervals of 2-5 years, depending on their risk status, personal health history, and family history. The preparation and application of colonoscopy has become much easier and more comfortable for the patient today. The new colonoscopes are extremely easy to apply and the desired results are obtained without causing discomfort to the patient.
Tests for early screening of colon cancer include:
  • colonoscopy,
  • Checking for occult blood in the stool,
  • Computed tomography (CT) colonography,
  • flexible sigmoidoscopy,
  • DNA tests in stool.