One of our five sense organs, our ears is of great importance in our perception of the world. Our ears not only help us hear sounds, but also help us to balance ourselves. It does this with the vestibular system, which resides in our ear and regulates our balance. We may encounter many problems throughout our lives regarding our ears, which are so important to us. In this blog, we will try to share the most important of these problems and diseases, ways of prevention and treatment.
The most common ear problems are:
- Swimmer's ear: This is an infection of the outer ear canal. It is often caused by bacteria, but can also be caused by fungi or viruses. Symptoms include pain, itching, redness, and discharge from the ear.
- Middle ear infection (otitis media): It is usually caused by bacteria, but can also be caused by viruses. Symptoms include pain, fever, and difficulty hearing.
- Perforated eardrum: This is a hole in the eardrum. It can be caused by infection, trauma, or objects that are inserted into the ear canal. Symptoms include pain, discharge, and hearing loss.
- Tinnitus: It can also be defined as the patient's perception of a sound without an acoustic stimulus.
- Meniere’s Disease: It is an inner ear disease that can cause dizziness, vertigo, and hearing loss.
Swimmer’s Ear
External ear infections can turn life into a nightmare during frequent swimming in the sea and pool. This problem is mostly caused by earwax and pools with insufficient disinfection. Diabetics, those who use hearing aids, and those with eczema on their skin have a higher risk of "swimmer's ear" disease.
It is a type of outer ear infection. This problem is mostly caused by the fact that the ear secretion, also called earwax, is dense, absorbing the water like a sponge, trapping the moisture in the outer ear canal, and paving the way for the development of infection.
Preventing Swimmer's Ear
- Before the holiday, it is recommended to remove the heavy earwax in the external ear canal.
- It is very important to arrange the pre-holiday treatment of patients with eczema in the external ear canal.
- After contact with water, it is necessary not to scratch the ear, not to play with the ear, and not traumatize the ear with a finger or towel.
- Dropping white vinegar is also helpful in preventing infection. But before doing this, be sure to consult your doctor
Middle ear infection (Otitis Media)
Otitis media or otitis media is an infection with fluid accumulation behind the eardrum, redness, swelling, and pain in the middle ear. The most important symptom of otitis media is a pain in the ear. Other important symptoms are redness and swelling in the middle ear. Most middle ear infections occur when mucus builds up in the middle ear due to an infection such as a cold or flu.
How To Treat Middle Ear Infection At Home
- Intermittent application of a towel warmed with an iron or a hot water bag wrapped in a towel will reduce the pain associated with a middle ear infection.
- You can warm the olive oil slightly and drip 1-2 drops into the ear in a warm way.
- Chewing gum relaxes the eustachian tube and helps drain the inflamed fluid.
- Drinking hot herbal teas such as chamomile and linden and inhaling their steam helps to heal the inflammation due to throat infection quickly.
- Consuming plenty of fruits such as citrus fruits, strawberries, and kiwis rich in vitamin C accelerates healing.
It should be noted that these methods are suitable for only adults and you should definitely see your doctor.
Perforated Eardrum
Eardrum perforation is usually caused by trauma or infections. A hole in the eardrum may occur due to slaps in the ear, pressure changes in the cabin on airplane trips, skull fractures, and explosions.
If you have a constant ringing in your ear, infected discharge, or hearing loss, you can see a specialist doctor and find out if there is a hole. As perforation of the eardrum can cause very important health problems, if you have a hole in your ear, you should seek professional treatment as soon as possible.
Meniere’s Disease
The cause of this disease has not yet been fully determined. Factors influencing the increased endolymph fluid that causes Meniere's disease are thought to include abnormal immune response, fluid drainage problems due to a blockage or anatomical abnormality, genetic predisposition, and viral infections.
There is no clear cure for Meniere's disease yet. However, the treatments your doctor will recommend will reduce symptoms such as dizziness and tinnitus that reduce your quality of life.
- Tinnitus caused by Meniere's disease is felt in the individual's ear as a ringing, humming, roaring, whistling, or hissing sound.
- Individuals affected by Meniere's disease should rest between attacks and should not rush to return to normal activities. The individual should not forget that they may lose their balance.
- The vertigo process associated with Meniere's disease begins and ends spontaneously. Vertigo attacks occur without any warning and usually last for 20 minutes to several hours. This dizziness commonly lasts less than 24 hours but may recur.
- Individuals with Meniere's disease commonly feel pressure or auditory fullness in the affected ear.
- Hearing loss caused by Meniere's disease is especially seen at an early age and comes and goes in attacks.
- Other diseases can mimic the signs and symptoms of Meniere's disease. Therefore, it is important to make the correct diagnosis as soon as possible.