Teeth grinding, also called bruxism, is a condition in which a person clenches their teeth or grinds them back and forth. This problem can happen during the day or while you sleep unknowingly. It can cause headaches, jaw pain, and other dental problems.

What Are The Symptoms And Types Of Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)?

There are many different symptoms and types of teeth grinding. The most common symptom is a grinding sound that is heard when the person is asleep. The individual should talk to the sleep partner, if any. In this way, if there are teeth grinding or clicking sounds while sleeping. This can be a very annoying symptom for many people. Other symptoms include headaches, jaw pain, and ear pain. There are two different types of teeth grinding. The first type is called bruxism. This is when a person grinds their teeth during the day. The second type is called nocturnal bruxism. This is when a person grinds their teeth at night.

Identify The Cause 

There are many potential causes of teeth grinding, so it’s important to see your dentist to rule out any underlying dental problems. Once any dental issues are treated, your dentist can help you identify other potential causes, such as stress, sleep disorders, and misaligned teeth. If your teeth grinding is due to stress, you may benefit from relaxation techniques or counseling. If it’s due to a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, your dentist may refer you to a sleep specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

You can read more about Sleep Disorders from our latest article here.

How To Relieve Your Symptoms At Home?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to stop teeth grinding may vary depending on the individual. However, some tips on how to stop teeth grinding at home:

Here are the top 4 fixes for teeth grinding:

  1. Practice Stress-Relieving Techniques
  2. Get Away From The City Life And Have A Nice Holiday
  3. Avoiding Stimulants And Harmful Substances
  4. Exercises To Relax The Jaw Muscles

Practice Stress-Relieving Techniques

There are many stress-relieving techniques that can be useful in managing stress. Some popular techniques include relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises. Other techniques include exercise and spending time in nature. You should relax and avoid clenching your teeth during the day. If you notice yourself clenching, try to relax your jaw muscles.

Listening to music during the day, taking a warm bath or exercising before bed can also help with relaxation.

Get Away From The City Life And Have A Nice Holiday

One of the biggest causes of teeth grinding is stress. The stress accumulated due to the overwhelming structure of crowded cities and the difficulties of business life can appear as various health problems and tensions. The best way to avoid this is to have a nice vacation. A holiday away from the city and the crowd, where you will spend with your loved ones and take care of your hobbies, will help you relieve your stress.

Avoiding Stimulants And Harmful Substances

Avoiding stimulants can help the individual. Avoiding caffeinated coffee or tea, especially after dinner, and staying away from alcohol in the evening can stop an individual from clenching their jaws.

Exercises To Relax The Jaw Muscles

You can Apply a warm compress and massage your jaw muscles. This can help relax the muscles and reduce pain. You should avoid hard and chewy foods. These can aggravate your symptoms. Stick to soft foods like soup, mashed potatoes, and yogurt.

Be Sure To Consult A Dentist

Although there are many methods at home to reduce your discomfort, you should not neglect to see your doctor. It is always the most important step to consult a specialist first on health-related issues. 

The doctor can suggest ways to protect or improve the individual's or their child's teeth. These methods will be able to prevent tooth wear.

Splints and mouth guards are designed to keep teeth apart to prevent damage from clenching and grinding. Made of hard acrylic or softer materials, these tools can sit on the upper or lower teeth.

In more severe cases, especially when tooth wear causes tooth sensitivity or an inability to chew properly, the dentist may need to reshape the chewing surfaces of the teeth or correct using crowns to repair the damage.