The aim of breast augmentation operations is not only to enlarge the breasts, but also to give them a more shaped structure. Today, many women complain about their small breasts and try to achieve a more voluminous and larger breast structure in various ways. However, the most effective way to reach a desired breast size,
are surgical methods. With the breast augmentation operations performed by specialist physicians, the size of the breasts that are bulky and small in size increases significantly and at the same time, they gain a more shaped structure.
The developments in breast augmentation operations in recent years have been effective in performing this operation both quickly and easily. For this reason, many women prefer breast augmentation surgeries for their small or bulky breasts.

Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia. It is applied to eliminate small, asymmetrical, drooping or congenital problems in volume. It is an operation that takes 1-1.5 hours on average. After the surgery, the patient is dressed in a bra similar to a sports bra. In some cases, a tight bandage may be applied over the bra.
After the operation, the patient is kept in the hospital for 1 night for observation. A comfortable night is ensured with the painkillers given. After the control the next day, the patient is sent home.
Breast augmentation surgery is performed with silicone prostheses or injection method.
The preferred application for this operation, which is performed according to the unique body structure of each woman, is shaped according to the breast and breast structure. For this reason, it would be correct to examine the surgical techniques performed under two different headings.
Fat Injections: The fat injection technique in breast augmentation surgeries has recently come to the fore as one of the most preferred techniques. However, in some cases, it may need to be repeated at certain intervals since permanent results cannot be obtained. Fat injections are taken from stem cells and enriched.
The operations performed provide permanence at rates of 80 percent.